"I Wanted To Show The Ephemeral Beauty And Dignity Of Faded And Withered Fruits" ... well, my latest photo series "Decent Decay" is on Bored Panda now ... thanks a…
"I Wanted To Show The Ephemeral Beauty And Dignity Of Faded And Withered Fruits" ... well, my latest photo series "Decent Decay" is on Bored Panda now ... thanks a…
I just finished my latest series "Decent Decay" which tries to celebrate the ephemeral beauty and dignity of faded and withered objects. Which feelings do we encounter when we face…
Again two of my nude works have been featured in the STRKNG Online magazine No. 50 as well as No. 51... thanks a lot! Just follow the links below to…
While browsing thru old photographic family memories I couldn't hesitate to create the new "VintagePop" series as ironical popart-esque, surreal digital collages: VintagePop This year, many things have changed (also…
[english version below] Der Werkladen als Produzent der FineArt-Prints der CameraSelfies auf Barytpapier hat nun eine kleinformatigere Edition der CameraSelfies aufgelegt - und zwar aller 95 bisher produzierten! Jedes Motiv ist im…
Proud to get featured again in this weeks' new gallery at Saatchi Art ... this time with my new CameraSelfie No. 95!
STRKNG is a Photography Gallery with the goal to build a large international collection of contemporary photography, which shows all impressive, important and relevant work. My concept photography "Evanescence #3"…
San Francisco based Artness Contemporary Art Magazine shares innovation through art, health in modern life and original perspective with awarded team members. I'm proud to be nominated as Artist of…
Aktuell ist aus guten Gründen zuhause bleiben angesagt; höchstwahrscheinlich sind Aufträge von der derzeitigen Situation betroffen. Mit Langeweile sind sicherlich die wenigsten von uns gesegnet, dennoch lässt sich diese Zeit…
In South Kensington, London SW7, luxury serviced apartment brand Cheval Collection re-opened the Cheval Gloucester Park in February, following a multi-million pound refurbishment. Bespoke artwork has been commissioned for…
Curated by Rebecca Wilson , Chief Curator and VP, Art Advisory at Saatchi Art, my CameraSelfie No. 63 ("Yashica 8") is part of Saatchi Arts' new collection "New this week"…
"I Show How A Face Swap Between The Subject And Its Camera Would Look Like"... with this headline Bored Panda features my new ironic-surreal series "Symbionts": "Symbionts" by J. F.…
Senior Associate Curator at Saatchi Art Katherine Henning curated two works of mine for their feature collection "Contemporary Photography": CameraSelfie #79 as well as ColorLimited #5: Green. Thank you very…
Thanks to 121Clicks.com and Venkat Prakash for featuring some of my CameraSelfies® on their inspirational online portal for Arts & Photography; I feel honored! 27 Old And Vintage Cameras From…
"Nightmares of flooded cities"... this is the headline of PHOTAR.ru's latest feature of my DrowningSky works. PHOTAR.ru is the Russian platform dedicated to news from the world of photography, reviews…
"Inspired by my own recent move, I chose artworks that would freshen up a room, and add some personality and warmth to help make a new space feel like home."…
"Drowning Sky: Ένας φωτογράφος δημιουργεί, με το φακό και το Photoshop, μια εφιαλτική πραγματικότητα" Drowning Sky: A photographer creates, with lens and Photoshop, a nightmare reality... this is the header…
"Юрген Ньютон — немецкий фотограф, художник и автор проекта CameraSelfies. Юрген (также известный под псевдонимом J. Flynn Newton) делает «автопортреты» уникальных «личностей», стоящих за феноменом селфи. Это винтажные камеры, увековечивающие себя на фоне современных обоев.…
Кинематографическая эротика : Cinematic Erotica is the title for the feature of some of my nude works (as well as my series "Evanescence") @ photar.ru "Photographer Jürgen Novotny from Germany,…
The Saudi Arabian women's magazine ROUGE presents my series "DrowningSky" in its August issue: "...indem er den schrecklichen Moment visualisierte, in dem seine Traumwelt zusammenbrach. Das Ergebnis waren üppige Bilder, die…