
Press + Features

This page gives only a rough overview of the numerous press features over the past years. Please find more detailed reports in my journal.

Magazine cover for Profifoto 03/2024

With my selfie, which recently received an honorable mention at the TIPA World Awards, I’m featured on the cover of the current issue of Profifoto 3/2024.

J. F. Novotny on the cover of Profifoto march 2024

Feature in „Obsessed with Art“ magazine 08/2021

„Pop Art Photography by Jürgen Novotny“: Jürgen Novotny’s pop art photography explores retro themes, incorporating analog cameras, audiotapes, newspaper printing aesthetics, and more… [Link]
The article features my projects CameraSelfies, Symbionts as well as ColorLimited.

Jürgen Novotny feature in online magazine Obsessed with Art

„DrowningSky“ @ CNN Greece 09/2019

Maria Dedousi writes an article about my nightmarish photo art project „DrowningSky“ for CNN Greece: Drowning Sky – A photographer creates, with lens and Photoshop, a nightmare reality… [Link]

DrowningSky art series by german dphotographer Jürgen Novotny featured by CNN Greece

Featured in ROUGE by Al-Jazeera Press 08/2019

The Saudi Arabian women’s magazine ROUGE presents my series „DrowningSky“ in its August issue [Link]

DrowningSky by Jürgen Novotny featured in Saudi Arabian ROUGE magazine

Featured by Hongkong online news portal HK01 06/2019

„Photographer JF Novotny (also known as J. Flynn Newton) has always had a special liking for those beautiful and strange-looking film cameras. He also believes that each film machine has historical value and is the best witness of different ages…“ [Link]

CameraSelfies by Jürgen Novotny featured on Hongkong news portal HK01

„CameraSelfies“ in Playboy 05/2019

Playboy Korea features my CameraSelfies® project in their current online issue: „Exotic style cameras offer more than a sexy POV…“

CameraSelfies @ Playboy Korea

Article in PLAIN Magazine 04/2019

Kala Barba-Court wrote an article about my CameraSelfies® for the New York based PLAIN magazine [Link] Launched in 2015, PLAIN Magazine is a space dedicated to proliferate good design and compelling art, spanning creative fields from photography to architecture, from graphic design to fashion.

Article in PLAIN magazine

Interview in ZEITjUNG 11/2017

Lisa Brinkmann von der Zeitschrift ZEITjUNG hat mit mir ein freundliches Interview zum Thema „CameraSelfies“ geführt… [Link]

CameraSelfies in British GQ Magazine 06/2017

CameraSelfie No. 7 (Polaroid P1000) gets recommended in British GQ June 2017 „Inside Out“.

Featured in GQ June 2017

„Bühne für die alten Kameras – Novotny wurde mit ‚Selfies‘ weltberühmt“

Rhein-Sieg-Anzeiger 03/2017
Rundschau 03/2017

„Jürgen Novotny aus Hennef ist ein Allrounder. Was ihn fasziniert, verfolgt er mit Akribie und Leidenschaft. Als er an einem Dezembertag im Jahr 2014 das Telefon abhebt, hat er eine Journalistin des amerikanischen Nachrichtensenders CNN in der Leitung. New York – Hennef, Hennef – New York: Sie will mit ihm über seine Fotoserie „Cameraselfies“ sprechen…“

[Read more on ksta.de]

Jürgen Novotny im Rhein-Sieg-Anzeiger

Q+A with German Photographer Jürgen Novotny

Aesthetica Magazine 09/2016

His work has received attention from CNN, LUI, LensCulture, Saatchi Art and many others. We catch up with Jürgen Novotny about the ideas behind his works and the relevance of analog vs digital…“

[Read more on aestheticamagazine.com]

Q&A with german photographer Jürgen Novotny / Aesthetica Magazine

Ein Selbstportrait der Kamera 09/2016

General-Anzeiger 09/2016

„Jürgen Novotny macht Kamera-Selfies und kritisiert damit den Trend zur Selbstdarstellung…“

[complete PDF Download]

Jürgen Novotny macht Kamera-Selfies und kritisiert damit den Trend zur Selbstdarstellung (General-Anzeiger)

DrowningSky feature @designboom 05/2016

An awesome feature on “the world’s first and most popular digital architecture and design magazine” designboom which is based in Milan, Beijing and New York.

DrowningSky by J. F. Novotny

Face of the new Pentax 645Z campaign 10/2015

“Qualität ist auch eine Frage der Ehre”: Quality is a question of honor, too”… is the claim of the new RICOH campaign for the digital medium format camera Pentax 645Z in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

CameraSelfie-Portfolio auf Pentax PxP website


Cover and Portfolio in PROFIFOTO 6/2015

First cover for a major magazine: PROFIFOTO 6/2015 shows my CameraSelfie: Bella on it’s front page.

CameraSelfies in PROFIFOTO 6/2015

Meisterwerke: Kamera-Selfies

fotoMAGAZIN 05/2015

Was wäre, wenn Kameras einfach einmal beschließen würden, dass wir auf die ewig doofen Selfie-Posen der Menschen verzichten können und sich nur noch selbst ablichteten?…


Feature in german STERN.de 03/2015

When women take off their clothes in cinema: the best nudes in a cinema setting. This is the topic of the newest photo series in the german magazine stern.

Das schicke Selbstportrait der alten Agfa

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 03/2015 und Rundschau 03/2015

Jürgen Novotny setzt mit seiner Fotoserie „CameraSelfies“ den analogen Apparaten ein vielbeachtetes Denkmal…
Novotny will damit den Selfietrend karikieren, mehr noch aber den „technischen Persönlichkeiten mit eigenem Charakter“ ein Denkmal setzen…
[zu den Artikeln: KStA, Rundschau]

CameraSelfies im Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Selfie-Jürgen weltberühmt: Oldie-Kameras fotografieren sich selbst

Express 03/2015

Arme, alte Analog-Kameras! Seit die digitale Technik am Start ist, will niemand mehr mit den überholten Schätzchen knipsen. Jürgen Novotny (49) aus Hennef aber ist jeck auf die Dinger, sammelt sie seit Jahren…
[zum Artikel: Online, JPG]

CameraSelfies im Express

Spotlight on 500px ISO 02/2015

If you’re not an absurdly famous person, it takes some serious creativity to catch the Internet’s eye with a ‘selfie’ project. The term itself has been used to wipe the Web’s metaphorical floor, so much so that it’s likely a project with ‘selfie’ in the name will guarantee at least a few people will pass over it without even looking.
[read more on 500px]

Jürgnen Novotny Photography: spotlight on 500px ISO

Feature in french LUI magazine 01/2015

the french magazine for men LUI features my CameraSelfies in their latest article: Diaporama : en 2015, adoptez un argentique !
“Cela fait quarante ans que Jürgen Novotny pratique la photographie, et voir le monde délaisser les appareils argentiques au profit des numériques lui fend le cœur.”

Jürgen Novotny's CameraSelfies in french LUI magazine

Autoscatto nostalgico, in posa le macchine fotografiche analogiche

La Repubblica 12/2014

Il fotografo tedesco Juergen Novotny nell’era dei selfie e della fotografia digitale ha deciso di rendere omaggio alle vecchie fotocamere analogiche giocando sul concetto di autoscatto. „Con il progetto CameraSelfie – spiega Juergen – ho voluto ricordare quanto sia forte il carattere di queste macchine analogiche perché con l’avvento del digitale il potere di questi miracoli meccanici sembra scomparire sempre di più“ …
[Read more on LaRepubblica.it]

CameraSelfies in La Repubblica

CameraSelfies: Portraits of Historical Cameras Taking Pictures of Themselves

PetaPixel 12/2014

What if cameras got tired of participating in human selfies and decided one day to start taking pictures of themselves? That’s the quirky idea behind a project called “CameraSelfies” by German photographer Juergen Novotny (who also goes by J. Flynn Newton).
The series features photos of various cameras “looking at themselves” in front of contemporary wallpapers that capture the cameras’ personalities…
[Read more on PetaPixel.com]

CameraSelfies bei PetaPixel

CameraSelfies on CNN 12/2014

After a great interview with CNN journalist Michelle Cohan her beautiful article was launched end of December 2013 on CNN.com: Camera selfies: Turning the lens on themselves
The resonance has been overwhelming: since now many readers and followers gave me very positive feedback, galleries and even more press representatives from around the world contacted me.

Jürgen Novotny's CameraSelfies on CNN.com