

Where to get works...

J. F. Novotny’s photographies and curated works are available as originals (limited, numbered and signed) as well as high quality prints from the following online galleries:


How do these works look on the wall? Which artwork to choose? Please find a few suggestions shown below – with direct text links to the referring online gallery. Or… just click on the images themselves to enlarge first.

(Copyright images from top left to bottom right: peshkova/Fotolia; XtravaganT/Fotolia; virtua73/Fotolia; Mihalis A./Fotolia; archideaphoto/Fotolia; denisismagilov/Fotolia; Coloures-Pic/Fotolia; 2mmedia/Fotolia; ExperienceInteroirs/iStockphoto; Mihalis A./Fotolia; archideaphoto/Fotolia; Wilm Ihlenfeld/Fotolia)