Great, thanks to the designboom editors: my project DrowningSky just receives an awesome feature on „the world’s first and most popular digital architecture and design magazine“ designboom which is based in Milan, Beijing and New York:
J. flynn newton creates dream-derived landscapes in drOWNing SKY
designboom: „german photographer J. flynn newton attempts to visualize the subject matter of his dreams in ‘drOWNing SKY’. the series features mesmerizing images that blend landscapes and water, resulting in apocalyptic, tsunami-like compositions where escape seems impossible. J. flynn newton is the working alias of J.F. novotny, founder of design and media agency vivia.“
I’m very proud of this feature – not only because this is my second photography project receiving this kind of awareness in the media (after CameraSelfies ®) – but also because the subject is something completely different than CameraSelfies ®. DrowningSky for me isn’t only an art project but first and foremost a means to work on old and recurring nightmares with floods and tsunami like scenarios which accompany my dreams since I was a child.