My CameraSelfies are currently featured on Bored Panda, the "leading art, design and photography community for creative people"... and trending! "Tired Of Participating In Human Selfies I Decided To Capture…
My CameraSelfies are currently featured on Bored Panda, the "leading art, design and photography community for creative people"... and trending! "Tired Of Participating In Human Selfies I Decided To Capture…
I'm proud to announce that I've joined the german PIC association as official member. The PIC - or Professional Imagers Club - is a very active association for professional photography…
... of a promo video shooting for the german company REVIVE Interior. In 7 scenes - and with 7 totally different looks for each set - we (Jennifer Wolf Photography…
It's spring, it's cherry blossom season, and it's time to go outside... together with our pretty model Lena we visited the Rheinauen in Cologne for a fun shooting :) (together…
"Richtig inszeniert ist das Bett der perfekte Ort für ein erotisches Fotoshooting. Weiße Laken und ein aufregendes Model reichen oft schon aus, um aus der Schlafstätte eine fotografische Spielwiese zu…
My concept works "Evanescence No. 3" as well as "Eye Contact" are both featured by Stern VIEW as "Topbild des Tages". My work "Under the window light" is now featured…
Journalist Lara Gohr wrote an article about my photography as well as myself ... some things I did in life so far :) ...including a very nice statement by my dear… recently reactivated and extended their "Fotografen bei" pages: Fotografen bei Currently Amazon features 8 photographers, for example Benjamin Jaworskyi and Steffen Böttcher, too. Besides an introduction to…
"DrOWNing SKY – I fotomontaggi surreali di J. Flynn Newton: Con il progetto DrOWNing SKY, il fotografo J. Flynn Newton crea paesaggi surreali di alluvioni e tsunami imminenti." DrowningSky @…
Once every two years Cologne is home of the photokina, the worlds leading photography fair. This years' theme was "Imaging Unlimited", going new ways to feature not only established camera…
Again one of my erotic photographies is being featured in a gallery by german magazine Stern: "Eine Ode an die Weiblichkeit": All Breasts Are Beautiful.... and the fascination of the…
"The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (P×3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and to introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community…
Could you talk about the idea behind your series CameraSelfies? Do you think your pieces make any kind of judgment/ statement? What do you have planned in terms of future…
Now it's "Camera Lens Week: Portrait Photography" at AMAZON: like I did before regarding travel and landscape photography I wrote a few lines with tips & hints about how to…
For Amazons' latest "Camera Lens Weeks" I wrote a few tips & hints related to travel and landscape photography (in german): Alles rund um Objektive: Reise- und Landschaftsfotografie von Jürgen…
As of today I'm featured by; besides presenting some of my works as well as my story I recommend some of my favourite products as for example cameras, lenses,…
My CameraSelfies are featured in the current Aesthetica magazine, online & print: "Aesthetica is a British art and culture magazine. Founded in 2002, Aesthetica Magazine covers photography, visual art,…
It's a pleasure to see my CameraSelfie No. 7 featured in the new Saatchi Art Collektion "Inspired by Andy Warhol", curated by Evangelyn Delacare: Thank you very much :)…
"What would happen if cameras came up with the idea of taking selfies? Photographer J. Flynn Newton hovered over this question, going on to create a unique and ongoing photo…
"Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass sich Fotograf und Kamera so ergänzen, dass aus unserer Sicht als Hersteller Produkt und Photographie multipliziert werden müssen, um ein hervorragendes Ganzes zu bilden." ...…